Tips To Make Website Cached By Google

After blog walking to all friends blog I found this topic to be written, tips to make website cached by Google. This is because of the requirement that have to be done in order to be approved in As we know that this is not easy to become publisher of sponsoredreviews now. then found sposnoredreviews solution topic is a lucky for me to day. One of the solution I get is about website Google cache. To check it out just type Then here are some tips that you can use to make your website cached by Google:

  1. Making HTTP at website header able to send right information about the upadate that you have made. This is can be the date of update. You probably think Google will index your page every time GoogleBot visit website. you may right but based on the feature which allow you to try and reduce Google crawling bandwidth. So to anticipate it, assure that it can work well to send right date of your website update.
  2. Instead of waiting Google cache website we can make an iniciate to submit our article to search engine through search engine url submission. Here are two address that we can use to submit our website to yahoo search engine and Google search engine. for Google search Engine and for Yahoo search engine. This way frequently forgotten by people, but nothing lose for us to try this way.

These are the two ways that I know to make our site cached by search engine. But if you have another tips and trick inform to us.

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